Located on Belgrave Gate our centre is easily accessed from across the city, we are just a short walk from the centre of Leicester, on a major bus route, opposite Leicester College.
Within our centre we have the following departments:
- Construction, including painting & decorating, carpentry & joinery, bricklaying & plastering workshops
- Hospitality & Catering kitchens & cafe
- Hair & Beauty salon
- Health & Social care workshop
- Classrooms for maths, English, ICT and workskills
We have a large student canteen and youth hub in the heart of our centre which offers a warm and supportive environment providing food - breakfast through to evening clubs, food parcels, clothes bank, toiletries and other essential personal hygiene resources to support a students engagement and retention on programmes.
Facilities include small offices which allow for one to one support and time out sessions along with larger meeting spaces and classroom facilities to deliver extra curricular activities and raising awareness workshops.